
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Convention Time rolls around again...

 Bob and I got the truck loaded up early in the week do we wouldn't have to do it in the predicted rain. We have a big truck but it was packed pretty full.

Last year I wrote a little article about how I am a  homeschool carny and it was written during the take down phase. [I reprinted it at the link above.] I thought you might like to see the booth all set up this  year.
 Core D with the Mathtacular Educational Kit on the front table. I love Core D because I guess I have always loved American History and some of the books in this study--Witch of Blackbird Pond, Carry on Mr Bowditch and others are some of my favorite children's books.
 My back table was awesome! Everything you need to teach your Kindergartener...just add your student and a pencil and you are good to go. Lots of great books and hands on materials.
 This is hard to see, but the front table has Core 100, Sonlight's high school American History and samples from the preschool Cores.
 I had lots of math samples--something for every learning style.
And the front table, complete with sign in cards, brochures, peppermints and pens. I couldn't keep the peppermints stocked--they were very popular.

At the end of the weekend we had talked to a few  hundred people and given out over 300 peppermints and about 100 little magnifying glasses to the children.

It was a great weekend in Greenwood, Indiana.

Take care,

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