
Thursday, February 11, 2010

This is a great time to refer a friend to Sonlight ...

Well, though we are in the throws of winter here--I believe the most snow I have ever seen in Central Kentucky in one season--I am looking forward to Homeschool Convention Season.

After returning from a brainstorming event in Littleton, CO last week and with my first convention in Indianapolis just around the corner, my mind is buzzing with ideas.

And for the first time ever--Each and every booth visitor will be getting a great convention special this year, so watch my blog for details.

Additionally, I am offering a package of TEN Smencils [one in each scent] if you refer a new to Sonlight** friend to me and they place a $50 or more order. If you are new to Sonlight-- refer yourself-- and get the set of Smencils. [You do not have to attend a convention to do this, just email me and let me know you want to refer someone.] Smencils are a great way to add some variety and interest to your homeschool. They are great for incentives or to just add some flavor to your day!

OR, because it is my favorite book, you can also receive the Book Great and Terrible Quest or a perennial favorite at our house, Homer Price, along with our 100 year old family doughnut recipe for giving me a referral.

It is a win-win situation. I will be their year-round personal consultant and you get a free gift. You can either email me their names and addresses or they can contact me directly [via email or phone] and let me know that you referred them.

So your choice: [This offer has expired 2/2012]
  • Set of Ten Smencils
  • The Great and Terrible Quest
  • Homer Price and our family doughnut recipe
Additionally I will be giving out 1 Smencil to all booth visitor and be giving out gifts randomly in my booth during the convention.

I have a great team of ladies and my husband ready and willing to help you in the booth. We will have many samples, a whole Newcomer package and a great new look. We look forward to seeing you this year.

~Conventions I will be attending in 2010~
As always, please let me know if there is anything I can do to help or encourage you. I have many helpful tips and suggestions regarding homeschooling and parenting on my Sonlight web page at Feel free to peruse it when you have a chance.

Would you like a free Sonlight Catalog? Drop me an email
Refer a friend and earn a free gift-see details at top of page.
**A New to Sonlight Friend is one who has never ordered from Sonlight or signed up with another consultant. They are also new if they ordered only a catalog or if they ordered under $100 (total lifetime) worth of Sonlight materials.

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